[December 2024] Our paper "The Value of Recall in Extensive-Form Games" got accepted to AAAI-25, which will take place in Philadelphia, PA in February!
[December 2024] I got accepted to the Cooperative AI Foundation's PhD Fellowship!
[October 2024] I attended the Workshop on Simplicity in Mechanism Design and Preference Elicitation at DIMACS Center to present our work on composition consistency and independence of clones.
[August 2024] Our voting rule was chosen as one of the winning rules in the 2nd Computational Social Choice Competition at IJCAI-24!
[July 2024] I attended Human-aligned AI Summer School as an invited speaker.
[May 2024] I will be a visiting researcher in the Institute for Ethics in AI at the University of Oxford for Summer 2024.
[April 2024] Our paper with Vincent Conitzer, "Computing Optimal Equilibria in Repeated Games with Restarts" got accepted to IJCAI-24, which will take place in Jeju, South Korea in August!
[March 2024] I gave a week of guest lectures for 15-850: Advanced Algorithms at CMU, where I covered topics from algorihtmic game theory.